Welcome to my blog. I teach and philosophise on the four disciplines of the human being. Tai Chi, Qigong, Meditation and the one that lives within the centre, which is the medicine wheel of the heart.

Vasilios Firippis Vasilios Firippis

The Way of Tai Chi

Within each style of Tai Chi, there are several forms to learn, which is classed as student progression. Once you begin this wonderful journey, you discover a path filled with potential. After spending some years learning the forms, you will also discover the diamond hidden within the heart, an incredible part of you that begins to grow and shine,

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Vasilios Firippis Vasilios Firippis

The pebble of Destiny

Destiny, a silent calling, which can captivate the strongest of hearts. Our whole life is shaped by this invisible hand that comes and goes as pleases. However, destiny knows our true path and will always guide us to the correct outcome, regardless of the resistance we will apply along our journey.

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Vasilios Firippis Vasilios Firippis

The three P’s of life

The path of life appears to some of us as a lone walk that never ends. With, every step and breath we take our medicine wheel keeps on turning and eventually we realise it will never cease to spin the silken threads of life. It does not matter what we choose to do with our lives, whether it be our education, exercise, faith or spiritual understanding we will always have to face the challenges, which life bring to us.

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Vasilios Firippis Vasilios Firippis

The great planetary display June 2022

They have aligned! From the 24th June 2022, we will witness one of the greatest alignments of the planets since early 2000. The planets involved are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto and also not forgetting the Moon. They will all appear to form a straight line, yet the reality is with the path of their orbits, they will all line up on the same side of the Sun.

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medicine wheel, meditation, spirit Vasilios Firippis medicine wheel, meditation, spirit Vasilios Firippis


We all have a past, and a future full of hope and desire, yet we exist in the present, working away, trying to either learn from our past or define our future. Sometimes we should just stop walking and take the time to contemplate our current emotional content. How are we feeling right now, in this moment of time in our lives?

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Tai Chi, Qigong Vasilios Firippis Tai Chi, Qigong Vasilios Firippis

Breath of Tai Chi

Breathing while practicing Tai Chi is by far the most confusing aspect for everyone who is trying to understand the rhythm of breath. For example, when to inhale and when to exhale during the movements of the form. I, like everyone, became confused and found it detrimental to my training. Instead of working on the flow of postures and following the principal of connecting each movement together as a fine strand of an unbroken silk thread, I would focus on inhaling and exhaling.

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meditation, medicine wheel Vasilios Firippis meditation, medicine wheel Vasilios Firippis

Meditation and the six breaths

How to breathe correctly in meditation is one of the most common questions I am asked to explain. The people which ask me this are looking for detailed instruction, something to follow and some to form a logical structure in their minds. There is no structure to breathing other than just breathing. How you breathe is nothing to do with secrets and hidden techniques.

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medicine wheel, heart, meditation, Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga Vasilios Firippis medicine wheel, heart, meditation, Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga Vasilios Firippis

What I teach

Welcome everyone to my blog and my first post. I am pleased to finally share my teaching with those of you who are seeking knowledge for the first time, and to supplement what you already have learnt or to walk a path of the medicine wheel through your heart. Below is an audio file taken from my soon to be published book. I will be posting every week on subjects…

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