The Medicine Wheel

The Medicine Wheel and the 108 Emotions of the heart.

Our true nature is behind everything we do, say, think, and sense. Many of us fear expressing our hearts, which have become covered in layers of daily living and fixed views of the world, yet our true nature continues to coexist with us, guiding us in this life. Our true nature surfaces when we stop looking on the outside for emotional return, and instead, look within. There is a gateway to our heart and only through meditation can we approach it. This sacred gateway will only open in full to those who try to raise their vibration. All is vibration and frequency, and only from this vibration can we unlock the mysteries of life within us. The answers we seek lay within the labyrinth of our soul, where our own personal mystery lives.

Our medicine wheel exists as an energy that animates from our chest, with the centre point being the Thymus gland behind the sternum. I know the sternum as the little spine and the Thymus gland as the gateway to the heart. The heart, however, is the first organ to open when we are within the womb, and every other part of us unfolds from there. The soul will enter through into our heart as a golden atom forged from ancestral energy carrying our DNA blue print. In time, it will subdivide into 8 more atoms known as the pearls of wisdom and stay within the sternum for our entire life. Each of the 8 atoms varies in colour and will form the inner circle of our medicine wheel, becoming our 8 primary emotions. We then take our first breath and the remaining 64 emotions will manifest from the various combinations of the eight primary emotions and form the middle circle. The outer circle comprises another 36 emotions, classed as beyond the human physique. It is these 36 emotions which connect us to everything, including the source. The 108 emotions evolve as pressure points within the meridians on the body during the cycle of birth. The mystery is that every one of them passes through the heart.

The internal medicine wheel is spherical, revealing a map of the earth and the heavens, laying out a path we must walk. Our entire being has evolved through emotional content. Everything we say and do starts with a single emotion. Passing through these emotions is where we learn to face our own truths, regardless of the outcome. In a single lifetime, we may fill our path with unwanted beliefs and desires, such as distractions, temptations, greed and power, which move us further away from the truth. We litter our medicine wheel with emotional content that agitates our heart. This agitation serves a purpose, which is to learn that everything is subject to change; Nothing escapes this cosmic law.

The disciplines of Tai Chi, Qigong and Meditation are all synchronised through our understanding of the medicine wheel of the heart. There is a philosophy, spiritual teachings and a life-changing reason to understand our true purpose and why we walk our medicine wheel knowingly or not. It is a choice to become consciously aware of our subconscious connecting to all of life. Nothing is separate. We connect throughout the strands of emotional content which exist everywhere. For they are without beginning and end.

A student is learning about life. A teacher teaches about life. If you are a master, then you will have mastered yourself and not others. When one masters self, they will become a student, teacher, and master, one cannot exist without the other.

Grandmaster Vasilios Firippis © 2025 Heart Beat Tai Chi & Qigong