The great planetary display June 2022

They have aligned! From the 24th June 2022, we will witness one of the greatest alignments of the planets since early 2000. The planets involved are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto and also not forgetting the Moon. They will all appear to form a straight line, yet the reality is with the path of their orbits, they will all line up on the same side of the Sun. The planets do not form a straight line. It is our view from the earth that will make this appear to be so. Throughout 2022, there have been and will be various alignments of the planets, with each one having a major effect on our energetic bodies. But this is one in particular I would like to concentrate on.

How do these types of alignments affect our Great Mother Earth and all the life which she allows to live upon her? Each planet has its own vibration and when our Solar system becomes balanced, we as part of life will notice a minor difference in our daily lives, because we have become used to these vibrations. However, when planets align themselves in various ways, they interact with each other in a more direct way. This interaction can have a positive or negative effect on our personal vibration. The correct name for this alignment is called ‘Aspects’. In astrology, this means a blended unity. The commencement of a new plane of expression. A new cycle of understanding to the point of union of self and higher self. All the planets will be above the horizon. All will become a heavenly vibration.

This is a lengthy article and I could have written so much more, but I hope you take the time to read it through, as the entire world is going to feel the impact of this cosmic event from an energetic point of view. Our vibration is about to change again, so may the Great Spirit guide you through your own individual journey and your heart becomes more enlightened.

Photo supplied by, Roen Kelly at:

Placement of the houses:

Mercury and Venus are placed in Gemini and sitting in the 12th house called ‘Limitation or Freedom of the heart’. Mercury is a fast moving planet. Its key attribute is to send and receive messages from the heavens and the Earth. These messages can be positive or negative and reflect upon our own view of limitation or freedom. Venus will sit behind Mercury, giving off a powerful influence of our primal principal of life, which is desire. Venus only seeks beauty and does not care from where it is born from. So placing oneself in a position to find the correct way forward, desire only what you need and allow the kindness and forgiveness from your heart to surface to the full. Allow the cup of your heart to overflow and empty itself so you may renew. There is nothing more beautiful than a heart overflowing with goodness.

Uranus and Mars. Uranus is placed in Taurus, and Mars is placed in Aries. Both planets are interacting with each other and are in the 11th House, which is the house of our ‘Spiritual Desires’. We know Uranus for the bringing of change into our lives. It is a slow moving planet, therefore we are granted time to change and in the time we have, we must do the work to bring the positive changes into our lives. Whatever our Spiritual Desires are, we must strengthen them in every way and continue to maintain our trust and faith in our heart. Uranus is also known as the first of the three mystical planets. It represents the higher mind, our mental activity of breaking down to rebuild on a higher plane of consciousness. During this transition, we may find ourselves in our own made chaos of restlessness or a time to walk in peace and harmony. Do not worry, because chaos will lead us into the harmony of our true nature. Mars will help us through this change as it is the planet of action and with it being in Aries, there has never been a more powerful time than now to act upon our own evolution of our energy. Mars always starts a spiral flow of our minds either up or down. We choose which way to grow. However, now we have the energy of Uranus to guide us to the higher mind. So when one feels the creative urge positively, let it become you and stop being afraid to just be yourself.

Jupiter and Neptune, placed in the 10th house of ‘Service to humanity or self’. Jupiter is placed in Aries and is also a slow moving planet, from which comes all expansion. Jupiter is related to Pluto, therefore one has to take up the struggle of achieving the freedom to expand one’s mind and cast off our fixed ways of thinking as everything is possible to those who are prepared to do the work and to realise their own potential and allow it to blossom to the full. One walking this path may be pulled in various directions, as distractions will be everywhere. Stay on your own personal path and follow your heart and become a single desire, which is to express our true nature. Neptune is placed in Pisces. It is the second planet of the three mystics. Neptune covers the waters of life and all the fluids within us. So our fluid cycles, such as menstrual cycles, may become out of sync and also notice an increased thirst for fluids. In this time, it will expand our illuminative thoughts and our need for each other will slowly become a stronger desire within our hearts. However, to achieve this, one must take up their own journey of walking the path in the correct way, without looking back or forward, but by being in the present.

Image of Saturn by Nasa

Saturn, placed in the 9th house of the ‘Higher mind’ which is in Aquarius. Now this is complicated to write about as Saturn is retrograde and without an understanding of what retrograde of a planet truly means can place you in a fixed state of mind by just thinking it means going backwards, which it does not. Visualise a planet moving directly forward along its orbital plane. During this time, the planet will leave the orbit and head towards the earth. This is a small journey for the planet, but it is still moving closer towards us, which will have a more powerful effect on us, depending on which planet it is. The planet is now on the first part of its loop, which is called ‘Stationary direct’. Everything about the planet will become enhanced now. When the planet returns to its orbital plane, it appears to be moving backwards, but it is just returning to its plane, therefore that’s why it is called ‘Stationary retrograde’ and from this movement we feel its pulling power when everything is being drawn out of us. Saturn is another slow moving planet, known for its reaping of Karma, through our inner realisation of life and how we live our lives. Saturn has the power to restrict or give life to our freedom. If one remains on the path of truth, then Saturn will provide us with life giving stimulus to our higher mind and spiritual freedom. So what is the genuine struggle here? During the planetary parade, Saturn will be in complete opposition to our path of fortune, which, in ancient astrology, represents the earth. The path of fortune is now sitting in the 3rd house ‘The logical mind’ and is placed within Leo. Now we have an opposition to the way we feel about everything, with Leo roaring aloud driving our logic to the extreme and the mighty Saturn sitting in opposition to us. Remember, opposition does not mean to become blocked unless you allow it to. It also means that one can measure themselves spiritually and to flow with the movement of Saturn, which means to accept oneself, contemplate where you are in life and then to follow your heart to where you want to be in life.

Pluto in the 8th house of the ‘Reborn’, which is sitting in Capricorn and is retrograde. The third of the mystical planets. We now affirm our values, beliefs, and spirituality through our compassion for life and the love of our heart and the Creator. Being retrograde will also test us to the limit. However, being tested will also awaken us to the reality of our lives and clear the mist we have gathered and which now stands in our way of seeing our own truths. It is time to lift the veil we have been hiding behind.

The Moon. The fastest moving planetary body. Through this alignment of the planets, our Grandmother moon will be happily moving between the planets, gathering all of our desires and intentions and heading into the abyss for three days. When she returns, everything we asked for will be given life to, albeit immediately or in the future. So when working on yourself, I suggest a good amount of prayer work and meditation to smooth the path and our way forward.

Love and blessings to you: Vasilios Firippis © 2022


The three P’s of life

