About me



Principal founder of Heart Beat Tai Chi & Qigong

I was born in Famagusta in 1955, my family emigrated to England in 1956. After being away from home for 51 years and having travelled to many places in the world, I returned to my homeland and touch my roots once more. Having studied Tai Chi for forty years I fulfilled my dream of becoming a Master and to return home to Cyprus to teach the art. I first took up martial arts in the form of Judo after having problems at school. However, being small for my age I quickly realised that I was not strong enough to apply this art, and after two years and gaining a yellow belt along the way, I took up Taekwondo which was more dynamic and offered me a real chance of survival. However, my teacher left for Australia but before he departed, he handed me over to his cousin who was a well known Wing Chung Kung Fu teacher. I studied with Sifu King Chan for five years before deciding to take up Tai Chi and this is where I met my final teacher Grand Master John Kells. I learnt all of my Tai Chi from Grand master John at the school in London along with the other students. I learnt all of my Qigong in China, after studying with a private teacher over a prolonged period. My philosophy was taught to me by my first spiritual teacher at a very young age and I continue to learn from them even though they no longer walk the earth. I am grateful to all of my teachers and stayed and honoured them all along the way of my journey. Mastering something only means to master one’s self, and that is it. I preferred not to advance in the martial arts after leaving Wing Chung, once I realised that I could grow spiritually and heal my soul through a combination of Tai chi and putting into practice the philosophy I learnt over many years of living in a spiritual way. I knew that the way of revealing my hearts true nature was to become free from the binds and burdens of this life.

Before learning Tai Chi, I was fortunate enough to meet my philosophy and meditation teacher, which I knew her as Gladys. She taught me all about the medicine wheel of life and how the heart sits in the centre of everything we know and do. It is filled with 108 emotions, which we must pass through and overcome them in a way that makes us a better human being. Only through meditation do we learn the truth about ourselves.

Be free, in love and addicted to your life, and fully express yourself. Honour others, be humble and always know the great spirit is with you.