Heart Beat Tai Chi & Qigong

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Heaven and the Earth

Photo by Nico Frey on Unsplash

There are many views of what heaven truly is. Does anyone know the truth? We are made aware from a very young age that heaven is a place filled with spiritual life and wisdom. A place we are all destined to arrive at after we have completed our walk on the earth. In these times, our understanding and beliefs about heaven have changed. So much so, the original concept of heaven has become something that is fading away within our hearts. 

For all of us who practise Tai Chi, we learn that there are three major centres within our bodies, which are three Tan Tien’s. Starting with the heavenly centre placed at the third eye, the second one the human centre, placed within the solar plexus and the third one, the earth positioned just below our navel. I taught myself to strive towards bringing the heaven and the earth together, but not only to meet at the human centre, but to allow them to become one. We can achieve this by pulling the heavenly energy down and to raise the earthly energy, which will complete us as a human being. Though I have used the phrase, “Pulling the heavenly energy down”. It remains a mystery to most of us. However, one only needs to open their heart and invite the Creator to flow through us, as the Creator can only enter by our invitation. 

Through our prayer and reciting our Mantras, the Creator responds, and the heavenly energy descends upon us. When this event takes place, our earthly energy is activated and begins its journey towards the heavenly energy and becomes one, creating a cultivated essence of Qi within our heart. Throughout this entire process, our physical body plays its part, especially the glandular and nervous systems. To become one with the heaven and the earth allows us to become peaceful and live in a state of bliss. It is a unique feeling and can be achieved by all if we meditate, pray and allow ourselves to connect with the consciousness. When we meditate and practise the forms of Tai Chi, the philosophy of the ancients engages, especially the one regarding, becoming still on the outside, but gently moving within. This is the state of mind and body one should try to achieve. When practicing Tai Chi, we should move on the outside and become still on the inside. Both principals will unite the heaven and the earth. You only need to talk to a Tai Chi practitioner after they have completed their training to see how calm and peaceful they have become.

So many questions will arise from this small post, but impossible for me to write an essay on this subject. One should meditate on these points and let me assist you by adding the following.

  1. Earthly energy is known as Jing. It enters our body through the soles of our feet and travels up the inside of the legs all the way to our kidneys. We use this energy during physical exertion and we will store some of it in our earthly Tan Tien.

  2. The human Tan Tien will receive the Earthly energy as it will become Qi, our living life force. During breathing, the Qi becomes cultivated and releases an essence. In other words, the spirit of our Qi.

  3. The heavenly Tan Tien then (Third eye) receives the essence and connects with the consciousness through our heart.

Some of us can spend our lives not feeling completely happy. There is always a feeling that something is missing regardless of what we fill our lives with. Without bringing together the heaven and the earth, there will always be something missing in our lives. The heaven does not exist in one place in the cosmos; it is everywhere and is seeking to become one with us. 

I have accepted into my life that there are heavenly entities that look after us, but your view of this will depend on what you believe in. However, have you ever experienced the presence of an angel, ancestor, or spirit guide? We have become so fixed in our ways of thinking that our minds separate the heaven and the earth and cannot understand that the heavens have always been with us on the earth. We only need to look with our hearts to accept this. 

Just a final note: I respect everyone’s beliefs and how they choose to follow the Creator. It has never been about a single person’s beliefs, but our race of human beings all trying to become one with the Creator, regardless of what path you walk. The main thing for me is that our beliefs should not harm others.

Please send me your questions or place them in the comments section below. 

Love and blessings to you: Vasilios Firippis © 2022