Heart Beat Tai Chi & Qigong

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We all have a past, and a future full of hope and desire, yet we exist in the present, working away, trying to either learn from our past or define our future. Sometimes we should just stop walking and take the time to contemplate our current emotional content. How are we feeling right now, in this moment of time in our lives? 

Image by Jack-hunter on unsplash.com

Some of us will remember when we attended school, and the register was being taken by our teacher. Our name would be called out and we would have to say aloud, “Present”. Whenever we offer a gift to another, we call it a present. Even when our presence is called upon, both physically and mentally, we become present. The present is the energetic cord which binds our past and our future. One cannot exist without the other, for our past was once our future, which becomes our past. 

Pondering on our past, we may tell ourselves that we will not make the same mistake twice or we made a correct decision which made us so happy. The choices we make defines our future. Gazing into our future we may say I want to become this or choose where to live and our lives just roll on from one event to another as we pull our past along with us and hope that our future will sort everything out for us, in way or another.

Naturally, we have some contemplation work to carry out if we are to understand our present state of emotion. In meditation we should become still and let go of techniques, breathing patterns and trying to achieve a state of mind that is filled with visions and non stop chattering. We just need to focus on the now, the present, the very day we exist in, our moment of truth, being defined from our emotional content, driven by our acts in every single moment of every single day.

In this meditation, we should sit quietly with our heart and search our feelings not from our past, or from our hopes for our future, but from how we feel now. It is difficult not to become pulled into our past, so we should do our best to continue to contemplate, and low and behold, we realise that there are aspects of lives we dislike, and many aspects of lives we love. Our work is to make the not so good in us better and to share the good in us and then strengthen it. To become happy in the present is to live with an open heart, filled with the love of the Creator, for everything that is happening in our lives in the present should always be filled with love and compassion. 

When we pray, will we ever just say to the creator, “I am very happy, thank you”. happy people are not engrossed in their past, for they live their lives with an open heart, always happy to see others, full of forgiveness and a will to share their love with us. When they tell us their stories of the past, we cannot understand how they can remain so happy even though they may have experienced many traumas. It is because they are grateful to the Creator that they can continue their journey on their medicine wheel with a greater understanding of life. These same people are also unafraid of their future, because they know that the future remains undecided right up to the next second in the present. And here lay the answers to all the equations we have about our future. When our future unfolds, it is the unwrapping of a gift we sent to ourselves. We created the present through the decisions and acts we carry out every day of our lives. So if we open our hearts and allow the Creator to flow through us, we will overcome all obstacles and become happy because we filled it with love and honesty that cannot become distorted by others. The power of prayer will bring us to the centre of our heart. It brings a calming and stabilises our emotions, especially if we speak from the heart, for our hearts cannot lie and when we can do this, others will become happy to be with us. By not living in the present, our true nature becomes obscure to us and our heart lives in hope rather than knowing. 

Love and blessings to you: Vasilios Firippis © 2022